Sunday 9 November 2008

Who is the Most Popular Governor In America ?

Who is the Most Popular Governor In America ?

Sarah Palin today has an 80% popularity rating in Alaska. She is today, the most popular governor in America. She is today and will continue to be until the day she dies, a true reformer. Palin sees herself as a civil servant, not as the fortunate winner of the political lottery which will allow her to stuff her pockets with millions of dollars of the taxpayers money.

Sarah Palin put corrupt Republicans and Democrats in jail in Alaska. I knew that when she burst onto the national stage all of the same old lowlifes would tear into her and they have. They are terrified that she will get elected because of the certain knowledge that she will clean up that swamp we call Washington, D.C. and all of the multimillionaire politicians who have had their hands in all of our pockets for decades are terrified of her.

The scum in Alaska actually had t-shirts and hats made on which they proudly proclaimed that they were corrupt. And she came in like Mr. Clean and whipped their butts. That is why she has the high rating that she has.

It’s unfortunate that the everyday Americans who would most benefit from genuine government reform (in the form of far cleaner government, lower taxes, no more pork, no more lies) are manning the battle stations for American elitists and corrupt politicians and doing everything they can to destroy this outstanding woman

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