Sunday 9 November 2008

Sarah Palin, unmuzzled and scary

Here is an interesting article. Sarah Plain was only allowed to be herself in the last 4 days leading up to the election.

If she had been given free reign over her words and actions , then without a shadow of a doubt - John Mccmain would eb the president right now!

This could get ugly. And scary. In the presidential campaign's waning days, Sarah Palin will issue more strongly worded warnings about America's future under Barack Obama and a Democratic Congress.

Whether Palin will be responsible with her charges -- or go off the deep end -- no one knows, even in the GOP's leadership ranks.

It's obvious by now that Palin says what she wants, whether running mate John McCain strongly agrees or not.

On Thursday, Palin tried to raise the specter that Obama and the Democrats would leave America helpless in the face of its foreign enemies.

After meeting with her own foreign advice team, Palin said that the "far left wing of the Democrat Party" wanted to cut a quarter of the Defense Department's budget.

"They’re preparing right now to take over the entire federal government, folks," Palin said.

Actually, Obama wants to increase federal spending.

In addition, Palin is continuing to promote the idea that a Democratic-controlled Congress would go off the deep end in "spreading the wealth around," with massive new taxpayer payouts to people who don't deserve it.

So far, this "socialism" argument seems to have gained some traction with the electorate. It's Palin's job to drive the point home, time and time again.

Yet the question remains: In the next four days, how far will an unmuzzled Palin go to try to scare the country out of voting for Obama?

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